How Many Phones Are Allowed on International Flights?

Bringing 4 Phones on a Flight: Rules & Guidelines Ever wondered how many phones you can carry on a flight? Our dependence to tech devices is increasing. Many are now bringing several phones when they travel. But, it’s not easy to determine the rules and policies for phones on flights. Knowing the phone allowance on flights is essential for tech …

Will Tide Pods Explode on a Plane?

Are Tide Pods Allowed on Flights? TSA Regulations Explained. Have you ever wondered if you can carry everyday household items like Tide Pods on your next flight? As a growing number of passengers choose ease and effectiveness, questions about what is allowed in your hand luggage have become more pertinent than ever. Are you allowed to bring laundry pods on …

TSA Checks: How Vaseline is Treated at Airport Security

Jelly Journey: Tips for Packing Vaseline When it comes to air travel, understanding the guidelines set by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is crucial to ensure a smooth and hassle-free journey. One common question that arises is whether Vaseline is considered a liquid by the TSA. In this article, we will explore the TSA’s rules and regulations regarding Vaseline and …